Hello everyone.
Today, we held our first Nature Lab for the 5th, 6th, and 9th grade students. To briefly explain what “Nature Lab” is, it is a special learning project that is unique to Yumenomori where you can discover a lot of the nature around Okuma, play a lot, and enjoy learning about the Okuma with all five senses. Lower grade students have already explored various places around the town in their exploration, but this is the first exploration for the older students. We were a bit worried with the cloudy sky, but we all cheered up and left! The Yumenomori Exploration Party is busily advancing through the tranquil rural scenery.

“Good morning! Thank you for all your support today!”
The people who greeted the children cheerfully were Mr. Matsunaga, who is now commonly mentioned in our note articles, and his wife, as well as Mr. Takeuchi of the Okuma Fishery Cooperative. The excitement of the children is about to boil over with what is about to happen.
“Today, I would like everyone to experience catching fish and harvesting vegetables” said Mr. Matsunaga. “Yay!” “Yay!” “Oh, this will be the first time in my life!”
By the way, our excitement did not subside until we left Mr. Matsunaga’s house.
Sorry for the trouble…

Then we were guided to the back of the building, and there was a fish tank prepared there, and fish are swimming energetically inside.
“Ah! It’s a fish!” “Oh! There’s more fish!” “Do you know what kind of fish this is?” “Huh? Rainbow trout?”
“It’s a rock fish. Rock fish live in the clean rivers deep in the mountains.”
These rock fish were grown in the fishery cooperative, but the waters in the mountains here in Okuma have lots of rock fish.
Now it’s time to finally catch the rock fish in the tank by hand. Although they were fussing with how the fish feels, they managed to catch them safely.

After catching the fish, the internal organs were removed on the spot, and then skewered on a bamboo skewer. Some children were curious, but were positive from the beginning. Of course there were also some children who were reluctant to handle the fish.
“Scary.” “Gross.”
But, Mr. Matsunaga and Mr. Takeuchi taught them how to do it, then everyone tried. The children experienced cooking the fish that they usually eat, and renewed their gratitude for the life they give us every day. In the end, everyone was able to handle them cleanly.

The fish were skewered and then charcoal-grilled on the spot. A charcoal fire was already burning at the back of the building. When the fish were held over the fire, the fat dripped off and filled the air with a pleasant smell. “Wow!” “Brilliant!” “This was the first time ever!” Mr. Matsunaga’s wife called out to everyone. “Well, let’s go pick some cucumbers while the rock fish cooks.”

After the fish, the children instinctively ran toward the cucumber patch.
“It tastes better when it’s straight and not too big,” said Mrs. Matsunaga.
“How about this?” “Oh, that one over there looks delicious.”
Cucumbers are familiar to some, but it’s the first time some of these children were able to pick some. Pulling and twisting with unfamiliar hands.
“I got it.”
Let’s describe it as the “weight of life that fits in your hand”. It seems that a pleasantly cool joy seeped into their hands.
Natsuyamaga uri hamu oto zo kokoroyoshi (In summer, there is a house surrounded by nature. The people are eating cucumbers, and the sound is pleasant)

The harvested cucumbers can be eaten immediately on the spot. Thinking about it, how many years has it been since I’ve eaten picked cucumbers with miso paste? Along with this nostalgia, the scent of cucumbers permeates your body and sinks into your heart. The child who professed that he dislikes vegetables was overcome and ate all of them. He had a great meal. Some children close their eyes and shake their bodies to express how delicious it is.

“The fish is cooked.”
With Mr. Matsunaga’s voice as a command, everyone enthusiastically bit into the fish.
“Delicious!” “Tasty!”
They lightly salted the fish before cooking which added flavour to the fish. They bit through the bones wholeheartedly. Even children who normally eat less ate the entire fish cleanly, leaving only the head and spine, because they were so tasty.
Yokosama ni iwana hamuko no itokenashi (It was very cute watching the children near me eating the fish)

“Look, I have eggs that I collected this morning. I also have chickens. Look over there.” “If you have time, would you like to try some wild boar? It’s from Ibaraki.”
Everyone was getting confused by the constant flow of new information. Looking at the newborn chicks, we felt a little cruel, but we were treated to an absolute feast.

“Thank you for giving us such a valuable experience,” said the children.
“Come again anytime. Next time, let’s release salmon fry together.”
We made a charming promise with Mr. Matsunaga and his wife, and they even gave us a souvenir before leaving his house.
“I’m glad I moved here.” “It was a lot of fun.” “I want to do that again. I want to spend the night here next time.”
From their comments, it seems me and all the children had shared feelings about the experience. In the rich nature of Okuma, It was a day full of charm. Many of these memories form our rich “hometown”. Yumenomori is where I begin. A new page called “Okumakko” has certainly opened now. Mr. and Mrs. Matsunaga, Mr. Takeuchi, thank you very much.