Every Thursday, Let’s play English! So, here comes Mr. Ben! The manager (vice principal) of the compulsory education school contacted me… The designer of the English subject wasn’t here due to being at the swimming classes. I said “Yes, ok!” nervously, but Mr. Ben still came by himself.

But Mr. Ben is good at “communcation skills” and is “courageous”. He brought some picture books and read one to us. It’s very different from the words we hear in every day life…
But what he does is the same as any other designer. Words don’t matter, do they?

They are watching! and they are listening!
I named it “Let’s play English”! But, after listening to Mr. Bens story, I repeatedly said “Let’s be friends”!
I tried to tell Mr. Ben, lets put English aside for a while, so the children could learn to get along with him, it would be great! With that idea, I did my best to convey that to him. Ben nodded with a smile and saved me.


Some of the children are beginning to become friends. The younger kids try to imitate them, but have to say goodbye first because it’s snack time. The older kids play until tea time. It doesn’t feel like an “activity”, very good! In this “playing experience”, we want to create a foundation that accepts diversity.

The kids are fine today too!
I will do what I can only do now!


It’s sudden, but…
What is good “nursing”?
There are times when I think about this. Maybe we can’t answer this question, but we must keep thinking about it. I’ve seen a lot of kinds of nursing, and I’ve experienced a lot of great nursing styles, even I forget how much time I have spent doing so. 

If I search for the common denominator in my own way, I can feel the exquisite “pause” in each of them. There is no “pause” extending or “pause” missing. There is a comfortable “pause”. The “pause” that can be adjusted freely gives rhythm to nursing, and the child’s heart begins to dance. Although the tempo is important, but I feel that rhythm in nursing, according to developmental stages, is more important. I wonder if this is something that can be created by researching teaching material… I’m sure that this is only possible if there is a “power” to sensitively “see” the child’s inner feelings from their reactions. Also, I think it is because of “playfulness”.

I also look back and wonder if I was able to perform nursing well?
Even if I’m kind to myself, there’s nothing I can say with confidence…

It’s fine! It’s fine!
The process of pursuing those kind of good nursing skills has it’s “charm”!
Daily nursing shines as much as the number of failures!

I think this is the most fun and realistic pleasure of being a designer!