We are currently working on moving to a new school building after ensuring the safety of the children we are entrusted with. It’s changing…
I feel like the building itself is as exhilarated as us…
After all, Manabiya Yumenomori is not just a building…
It’s a place where children, designers, and visitors can spend a lot of time learning, and spend time together…
It’s a “tool called Manabiya” and “playground equipment called Yumenomori”…
This school building was created with the intention that the architect has the responsibility as the creator. We will make full use of it responsibly!
The designers visit every day…
“I wonder if this place can be used in this way…”
“I’m sure they’ll play here…”
We imagined the children spending time here…
We are striving to create an environment!
This is the first step to mastering it…
Even in the midst of such a rush… except during nap time, the designers who cooperate with us, take care of the children in a calm and homely manner, the smiles continue every day…
This is because of the thoughts and intentions of each designer for the children…
I had an opportunity to learn a designers “feelings”, and I would like to share them with you…
In the midst of a casual “dialogue” with the designer… “I can’t help but enjoy my relationship with the children!” the designer said with a big smile, one that needs no explanation.
I wonder where she finds such joy…
I hope this designer will always think this way…
“I can’t express it well, but I like to find the key to their hearts!”
In her comment, there is essence of her thoughts…
There are times when they are just in a bad mood, depending on their development stage. They sometimes fight with friends, and other times, they’re just in a bad mood for no reason. Sometimes they’re really selfish, and sometimes, they make things not go as planned. She thinks all children grow with these struggles, but they can’t deal with them yet as they are still small. So she watches the children, and communicates with them as politely as she can.
When she finds something the children like, and they express “I like this!”, and they think “Why?”, she adjusts.
That’s how she wants to get involved with children…
Not some makeshift key to distract a crying child!
Even so, the work of searching for the “key to the heart”, there is no master or duplicate key…
It’s like a locksmith trying to unlock an old, unopened safe…
Even if it is difficult, this designer still enjoys her work.
She’s an artisan! She is a real pro!

This was a story about a designer with craftsmanship…