We made new friends at Yumenomori today. During the morning school activities, we introduced ourselves and got to know each other.

In 6th period, we held a small welcome event at the entrance hall. This is a bomb game in which flowers are used as bombs, and a drawing message game in which teams imitate and connect pictures. It seemed that we got to know each other more through each game. It would make us happy if we could make many memories of the first semester before the closing ceremony next Thursday.
[Grade 5 Science]

In the 5th grade Science, we observed medaka fish. Now that each person has an iPad, it is now possible to take a picture of the inside of the microscope tube and make it larger for observation. I also filmed a video and watched the medaka’s little heart beat. As a teacher, it was a big discovery that the iPad is also effective for visual support. The medaka and their babies are still being bred at the entrance of the town hall. I would like to continue observing how the baby medaka grow while changing its appearance.

[Swimming lesson]
Today, we borrowed the pool of Tomioka Elementary and Junior High School, and held our first swimming lesson. We entered the pool after doing warm-up exercises carefully, so as to not get injured.

It was a very hot day, but the temperature of the water in the pool was just right, and the children had cool expressions on their faces. All the lower grades got close to the water in the shallow corner. I would like to cherish every hour of practice in order to achieve the goals that each of us set for the opening of the pool.

[1st-year life studies]
I’ve been telling you about how the morning glories have been growing recently. Because summer vacation starts next week, the morning glories will spend summer vacation at everyone’s houses. We plan to bring the morning glories to school after summer vacation and observe the state of the seeds after it dies. During the first semester, everyone learned how difficult it is to grow flowers and vegetables. I am sure that you will continue to take care of them every day during summer vacation. See you again at the opening ceremony for the second semester, morning glories!