Hello everyone.
The temperature rose steadily today, and it was a good day for the pool.
Continuing from yesterday, we left for Tomioka School today!
“I love the pool!” all the children said, but of course, they don’t just go out to play. Today’s goal is to make it possible for each person to do what they cannot do. Each has their own challenges, of course. A child who can’t dive, a child who can’t swim without a kick board, or a student who thinks they can’t swim 25 metres.
There is no single standard. Anyway, today’s mission is to overcome my “I can’t do it” feelings. Go ahead! Team Yumenomori!

Sora to mizu, ao kiriwaketsu, ko no susumu
(Sky and water, wading through the water, the children progress)


After visiting the pool, the 1st grade students eyes were sparkling.
“I was able to put my face in the water.” I guess they were overjoyed that they overcame the “I can’t do it” feeling. An aura of joy overflows from their whole body. An older child who was nearby immediately accepted the joy, saying “You did it!”, and the smiles spread.

Little by little, every day, Yumenomori becomes thicker, stronger, and bigger by changing “I can’t” to “I can”. Sometimes things don’t go well, and it may be a small thing, but someday it will be a big power to support yourself. I believe so.


Children and other students who stuggle to achieve their mission while familiarising themselves with water. On the way back to the bus, it seems that they were all tired after all. It was a short travel time, but many children were sound asleep. Good work.

Kanpai no, koe takarakani, miruku nomu
(Cheers, Loudly, drink milk)

After the pool, it’s time for the long-awaited school lunch.
Today is a member of Yumenomori’s birthday. We all celebrate birthdays with a toast with our milk. A special day once a year. Because you were born, we can share many memories with you. Happy Birthday again!