Hello everyone.
The temperature has risen today, and it has become a midsummer day. In order not to lose to the heat, Yumenomori is going all out today by rehydrating frequently. Now, let’s look at the activities of the older students.
In response to the heat outside, 5th, 6th and 7th grade are having some heated discussions. The theme was “How can I express my gratitude to the people who have helped me so far?”
As you all know, the new school building will be completed soon, and Yumenomori will be moving. The reason why we have been able to enjoy learning so far is because of the cooperation of everyone at the town hall and Resident Welfare Centre, who provided us with a place to learn. I’m happy to move to the new school building, but it’s also complicated for the students because we’re leaving the already familiar place.

“I want to express my heartfelt thanks to all of you.” A chairman and a secretary are elected from the group, and the meeting starts.


“How about making cards and handing them to each person?”

“Wouldn’t it be better to write a message on a large piece of paper and hand it over?”

“Lets write a thank you letter.”
“How about a cleaning operation?”

There were so many different opinions, and it was hard to come to an agreement. “Well, why don’t we put this opinion and that opinion together?” 

A 5th grade student then suggested something constructive. “Then how about this?” New ideas are added to the proposal, and the opinions are further brushed up. The discussion becomes more and more heated. But time is limited. We have to gather our opinions and draw conclusions. In the end, the chairman’s proposal was voted by majority. Raise your hand once for each opinion you agree with. Unfortunately, some children are disappointed when their opinions weren’t chosen. The Chairperson then said “Everyone, Plan A has been seleted.” Somehow, we were all able to come to one conclusion at a time. It wasn’t a perfect argument, of course. Not everyone was 100% convinced. However, I would also like to applaud them from the bottom of my heart for not abandoning the discussion in the middle of it, and for all of us reaching a single conclusion within the alloted time. It was small and clumsy, but it was a precious discussion.


This is a first grade activity. The first grade students were completely inspired by the town exploration activities of the second and third grade students. Today, they left for their long-awaited shop exploration. Don’t let the heat get you down, grab a bottle of water and let’s go! Today, they visited Satsuki Beauty Salon in Okuma. “I want to be a beautician when I grow up.” This is the future dream of a first grade student. Today, they visited their dream workplace and they were a little nervous. The children, who were confused at first, gradually leaned forward after hearing the kind hairdresser’s explanations. They asked the students to sit on a chair in the beauty salon, and to try to adjust the chair height themselves. It was a very exciting shop visit. Thank you very much, Satsuki Beauty Salon. We are grateful to all of our neighbours for always providing opportunities for our children to learn. Once again, I feel that Yumenomori is with the community. On the way back to school, a first grade girl quietly said, “It makes me want to become a hairdresser more.”


I will introduce the 2nd and 3rd grade students summer plans. Today’s challenge is to make a herbarium that looks cool. Herbariums are interior decorations made by putting dried flowers and preserved flowers in a glass bottle and enclosing it in a special oil. There may be a lot of people who are making these themselves. The children also check the herbarium in the picture, and their eyes are already sparkling. The materials are flowers that were collected around the school, paint, and even the contents of ice packs which were reused.

(Slimy) (Stirring)
You can enjoy not only the cool appearance, but also the texture. Finally, add a few drops of aroma oil to blend in the soothing scent.
“It’s done!” “It smells good!” “Cheers!”
The summer season begins. What shall we toast to next? I can’t stop being excited.